Link Alias Syntax in Markdown
Adding Alias for link
usually what we do to insert a link in markdown file
Normal way
normally we use banana syntax i.e. using [link](address)
; for example
see my [github profile](
when we have to write multiple links on multiple place in same document then we have to repeat the same syntax and sometime same link on multiple places then it is become mess
and sometimes the long link address makes file unreadable
Solution: Alias
to overcome above issue. we can add link alias and use the alias in place of the link in [text][alias]
## Profile Links
find me on
- [stack overflow][so]- [github][1]- [twitter][x]
and this is how it will render
Profile Links
find me on
below things to consider in syntax
- no space before opening
- put one space after colon
- no space between link and alias
- alias order does not matter
- you can name alias to number or any word
Bonus Tip
you can put link either near the snippet or at the ends of content using comment feature;
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