Setting Up VS Code for Python Development: A Profile-Based Approach
Why Separate Profiles Matter
When you’re primarily a JavaScript developer working with Python, it’s crucial to maintain clean development environments. Creating a dedicated Python profile in VS Code helps you:
- Keep JavaScript-related extensions isolated from Python tools
- Avoid performance impacts from running unnecessary extensions
- Switch quickly between different development contexts
- Maintain separate settings for each language ecosystem
Creating a Python Development Profile
- Open VS Code and create a new profile named “Python Dev”:
Essential Extensions for Python Profile
Recommended Workspace Settings
Create .vscode/settings.json
Debug Configuration
Create .vscode/launch.json
Profile Management Tips
- Export your Python profile to share with team members
- Use “Save Workspace As…” to maintain project-specific settings
- Switch to your JavaScript profile when working on front-end tasks
- Consider creating a hybrid profile if you work frequently with both Python and JavaScript in the same project (e.g., Flask/FastAPI with React)
Workspace Organization
Maintain a clean workspace structure:
This setup keeps your JavaScript development environment clean while providing all necessary tools for Python development. The profile-based approach ensures you can switch between different technology stacks without cognitive overhead or IDE performance impacts.